
Equipment Recommendation List

Equipment Recommendation List

With over a decade of experience with camera technology and keeping up today with the latest. Clients and friends constantly ask me for advance on equipment. So I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite set ups to get you started with your video/photo needs in the affiliate links below!


This is my favorite camera equipment that is for people on a bigger budget, but still provides great value for it’s capabilities.

Best of the Best

If money is no option, this one is for amazing photo and video


Best bang for your Buck

This camera is AMAZING for video and photo. It is truly the best of both worlds with out breaking the bank.


Great Multi-Purpose lens

This lens will do it all for great price!


Good mid-range camera

This smaller camera packs a PUNCH with photo and video!


Best Vlogging Camera

This camera is THE go to camera for Vloggers. This even has a great built in microphone.


Get those artistry pictures

This is a very inexpensive lens that allows you to get very artistry blurry backgrounds for the first 3 cameras.


Any camera you get will need memory cards

You should only need 1 for each camera unless you plan to shoot a lot.



Tripod is something you don’t want to go super cheap on because it hold up your expensive camera equipment.


Editing software

This editing software has a learning curve but it is great you can edit photo and videos. From Instagram stories all the way to Blockbuster movies.


FREE video editing software

This one also has a learning curve but there are tutorials that should help you get up and running right HERE


Lights camera ACTION! These are some great lights for your home studio set up with out breaking the bank


Room lights

The light changes color to match the room. You’ll need TWO of these!


Great soft light

This light is great to use more close up and it is very flattering to the face.

Light stands

Lights don’t come with stands. These are simple and affordable.

Reception Lighting

Great reception lighting, buy 2 of these, remember they need light stands and batteries for each.


Battery for reception lighting


Background lights

These are great lights for the background of your videos. Get more than one if you have a bigger background.


You have to SOUND as good as you look! Here are some great audio options.


Best overall mic

This mic can do it all! It is a more professional mic that can give you great overall audio quality

Small mic

This is a handy little mic that will upgrade your camera mic

Wireless mic

This mic will break great audio with any talking video. It’s wireless so you can walk anywhere.

Podcasting sound board

This is an all in one podcasting board for recording. You can even take phone calls and have sound effects!


Podcasting Mic

This is the the best balance between quality and economical. I would get 2 of these if you’re going to have guest and get more as you expand.


Memory Card for podcasting

You only need one to start off. This will hold a lot!